tekom - conferences

Coping in Chaos and Crisis: Maintaining your balance and sanity in today’s TechComm jobs

  • Presentation
  • Career & Young Technical Writers
  • 05. November
  • 09:00 - 09:45 AM (CET)
  • C5.1
  • Ms. Leah Guren

    Ms. Leah Guren

    • Cow TC


There has never been a time of such rapid change in our profession. This change is causing uncertainty, stress, and a volatile job market. Whether you are a new TechComm practitioner, or a professional with decades of experience, you may feel overwhelmed trying to cope with a moving target.

What can you do as an employee, a manager, or a self-employed contractor to maintain some balance and sense of proportion as companies are redefining our purpose and roles?

This session explores short-term coping mechanisms, techniques, and long-term strategies to help you do more than just cope from one crisis to the next.


  • Recognize that our career is going through a stressful, rapid transformation.
  • Learn how to identify on-the-job stress and perform effective triage.
  • Choose techniques for long-term self-investment.

Prior knowledge

basic TechComm understanding


Ms. Leah Guren

Ms. Leah Guren

  • Cow TC

Leah Guren is the owner/operator of Cow TC (technical communication training and consulting). Leah’s courses have introduced hundreds of new practitioners to the profession. She is a popular presenter, published author, consultant, and public-speaking coach.