tekom - conferences

From Writer to Speaker: Presentation Skills for TechComm Professionals

  • Workshop
  • Career & Young Technical Writers
  • 05. November
  • 16:30 - 18:15 PM (CET)
  • C4.1
  •  Leah Guren

    Leah Guren

    • Cow TC


Do you want to boost your career? One of the best skills you can learn is public speaking. If you can stand up and present your ideas clearly and competently, you’ll open the door to new connections and opportunities. The best part is that many of the skills you already have as a TechComm professional translate to presentation skills.


In this workshop, learn how to apply your existing knowledge to become a confident and effective speaker.


  • Plan and prepare like a pro.
  • Learn to avoid the biggest mistakes.
  • Discover the tips and tricks for success.


 Leah Guren

Leah Guren

  • Cow TC

Leah Guren is the owner/operator of Cow TC (technical communication training and consulting). Leah’s courses have introduced hundreds of new practitioners to the profession. She is a popular presenter, published author, consultant, and public-speaking coach.