tekom - conferences

How to Create an Effective 60 Second Video in 1 Minute

  • Presentation
  • Visual Communication
  • 05. November
  • 10:00 - 10:45 AM (CET)
  • Plenum 2
  •  Matt Reiner

    Matt Reiner

    • K15t


With 2/3 of all learners saying they prefer video content, it’s crucial that we have the skills to create effective educational videos. In the past, the challenge has always been production time, with many short videos taking 8+ hours to complete.

Luckily, the team at K15t are both passionate about sharing our knowledge and also hyperfocused on efficiency.

In this talk, I’ll share the tools, techniques, and setup we’ve discovered that enable us to produce technical videos at a rapid pace. I’ll explore free and paid tools your team can use to make this happen, and highlight the skills you’ll need to develop to maximize the effectiveness of your video content.

I’ll explore the AI tools we’ve implemented into the process to speed up what used to be slow, human-powered jobs.

And, of course, you’ll leave with the resources you need to create the same sort of setup and toolchain we’ve used so your team can create video content just as quickly.


  • Learn the tools, techniques, and setups for sharing your knowledge through video

  • Leave with a list of skills to optimize your communication skills

  • Understand what types of content you should share in video


 Matt Reiner

Matt Reiner

  • K15t

Throughout his time on multiple product teams, Matt has contributed as a scrum master, technical writer, marketer, content designer, content creator, and speaker. He specializes in the unique ways content brings the world together.


He likes using his skills to connect people to the products and resources around them. He loves connecting directly with users, advocating for their needs, and helping create products and resources to help them share what they do best.