tekom - conferences

How to do (more) things with FrameMaker

  • Workshop
  • Content Creation
  • 05. November
  • 11:30 - 13:15 AM (CET)
  • C9.2
  •  Jang Graat

    Jang Graat

    • Smart Information Design


FrameMaker comes loaded with tools that most users never even see. With over three decades experience in using FrameMaker and never taking "no" for an answer when asking "Can I do this with FrameMaker?", I have created tons of solutions for real-life authoring problems that usually surprise even the development team of this amazing product. Using all my knowledge, experience and imagination has allowed me to create solutions to many problems, both in authoring and delivery of FrameMaker-based content, both structured and unstructured.

This workshop shows how to use the full potential of this exceptional authoring environment. Do bring your own problems and see how easy solutions can be created. The workshop is completely driven by your problems and has proven to be quite effective in finding instant solutions in the past. Come and learn from the one and only Frame Tamer.


Discovering hidden gems in FrameMaker.

Learning how to solve various kinds of authoring issues.

Returning home with time-saving solutions to your own problems.

Prior knowledge

Using FrameMaker - bringing actual productivity or layout problems.


 Jang Graat

Jang Graat

  • Smart Information Design

Jang studied Physics, Psychology and Philosophy and taught himself programming in a variety of programming languages. He has been designing radically new approaches for technical communication solutions since 2005. He is an excellent presenter, never failing to make his audiences enjoy the show and pick up some food for thought at the same time.