tekom - conferences

How to move from linear technical publications to context-based instructions

  • Presentation
  • Intelligent Delivery of User Information
  • 14. November
  • 16:30 - 17:15 PM (CET)
  • C5.2
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Kees van Mansom

    Kees van Mansom

    • Accenture


Increasing the efficiency of Operators and (Field) Engineers by providing end-to-end experiences that cover the entire operating, maintenance or repair process in a step-by-step interactive instruction for which the content directly comes from the Component Content Management System (CCMS).


In this session, participants will learn how to improve the user experience by presenting content in a non-linear way, based on the context of the user and utilizing all available data, utilizing content from their CCMS.

Prior knowledge

Structured content authoring


 Kees van Mansom

Kees van Mansom

  • Accenture

As the leading technical solution architect in technical publication services at Accenture, I help my clients in transforming the operations of their technical documentation departments by architecting solutions based on state-of-the-art technology. A good example of my work is the design and development of a revolutionary new solution for context-based instructions, which will provide organizations with the means to give every individual user the right instruction at the right time and tailored to the context.