tekom - conferences

JavaScript for Technical Writers

  • Tutorial
  • Content Creation
  • 07. November
  • 14:00 - 15:45 PM (CET)
  • C7.3
  •  Ken De Wachter

    Ken De Wachter

    • Collibra


JavaScript is an incredibly useful tool for technical writers because it allows you to create more engaging and interactive documentation. With JavaScript, you can turn your static, boring content into dynamic experiences, tailored to the needs and profile of your end users. We'll take a look at how interactive elements will make your content more user-friendly and easier to navigate.

Let's not pretend I can teach you JavaScript in this one session. But I can show you the possibilities and limitations. I'll prove to you that anyone can learn the basics, including you. You'll see how and where to learn it, and be motivated to pull through!


After this session you will:

  • know how JavaScript can improve your documentation

  • have a basic understanding of JavaScript

  • have an overview of learning materials

  • be motivated to learn JavaScript!

Prior knowledge

No prior knowledge of JavaScript is required, decent knowledge of HTML and CSS is recommended.


 Ken De Wachter

Ken De Wachter

  • Collibra

As technical writer at Collibra, Ken De Wachter, navigates software documentation challenges in agile settings. He also owns Flynxo, offering training in technical writing, terminology, and translation technology.