tekom - conferences

Moving from monolithic to modular documentation

  • Presentation
  • Content Strategy & Information Architecture
  • 05. November
  • 17:30 - 18:15 PM (CET)
  • C6.2
  •  Tanja Roth

    Tanja Roth

    • SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH
  •  Julia Faltenbacher

    Julia Faltenbacher

    • SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH


At SUSE, an open-source company, we maintain the software documentation and decided to move from writing huge guides towards a modular approach. We kept our established and self-maintained DocBook XML toolchain and XSLT stylesheets to publish PDF and HTML documentation variants. The switch to topic-basic authoring brings new challenges in content organizing and publishing. We are still in the transition phase and want to share our experience.


This real life example shows the challenges of the project we are facing and gives insights into the solved and unresolved topics. Come, listen, and draw your own conclusions from our lessons learned.

Prior knowledge

Basic knowledge of software documentation and Single Source Publishing


 Tanja Roth

Tanja Roth

  • SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH

Driven by an interest in both language and technology, Tanja Roth has been working as a technical writer in various industries, such as mechanical engineering, medical technology, and IT for many years before becoming a project manager. She joined SUSE in 2005. She appreciates working with people from different backgrounds and from around the globe.

 Julia Faltenbacher

Julia Faltenbacher

  • SUSE Software Solutions Germany GmbH

Julia has more than 15 years of experience in localization, translation, terminology and technical writing. She joined SUSE in 2021 and is responsible for the GNOME User Guide and takes care of the localization of all SUSE guides. Her newest project, a company-wide terminology database, was just successfully launched.