tekom - conferences

Neuroinclusive content – tips, tricks, and all that jazz.

  • Presentation
  • UX & Accessibility
  • 05. November
  • 17:30 - 18:15 PM (CET)
  • C5.2
  • Monika Skoneczna

    • memoQ
  •  Gergely Garai

    Gergely Garai

    • memoQ


Creating content for one of the most demanding audiences in the world (translators and localization professionals) can be a wild ride—all the grammatical construction, easy language, style, format, and possible typos are here to remember. And neurodiversity is often not among those things. Which is a huge mistake—at least, it was for us. Let us tell you how we discovered that our users have different difficulties and how we approached this new information and made it part of the process of content creation. We want to tell you more about writing and recording short instructional videos for people with ADHD, autism, AuDHD, dyslexia, and dyspraxia—tips and tricks we discovered ourselves on the way, but most importantly, the ones that we got from our users. 


  • How to check if your content is well prepared for your neurodivergent audience?
  • Where to start changing your content?
  • How much work is it, and is it worth it?
  • How to test it?

Prior knowledge

No prior knowledge is needed.


Monika Skoneczna

  • memoQ

Hi, I'm Monika, and I work as a Technical Communication Specialist, which means I do both - technical and UX writing. In life after work, I watch Star Wars, read about information architecture, and learn about accessibility. I also volunteer as a Marketing Manager at the Women in Localization Poland Chapter. It is great fun and a huge opportunity to create a community and empower others. I find two things irresistible - coffee and spaghetti.

 Gergely Garai

Gergely Garai

  • memoQ

I have spent 20 years working in various positions for an LSP which, during that time, grew to be in the top class. Then I switched sides and for 5 and a half years (and counting), I have been in charge of words at the popular TMS provider called memoQ. I have a lovely wife and two kids (she is almost 10 and he is just past 8) and am an all-year-round cycle commuter.