tekom - conferences

Personal Branding for Technical Communicators

  • Workshop
  • Career & Young Technical Writers
  • 06. November
  • 14:00 - 15:45 PM (CET)
  • C9.2
  •  Kees van Mansom

    Kees van Mansom

    • Accenture


What do enterprises like Coca Cola, Heineken, Nike, Philips, Volkswagen, Apple and Microsoft have in common? Different types of companies with different types of products and different types of employees, but with one thing in common: a strong brand.

Just as in enterprise or product branding, personal branding is all about defining how you want to be seen. This pressure-cooker workshop specifically targeting technical communicators can be the first step towards building up your own brand, taking control over how people perceive you, and taking steps to dramatically increase your professional network. You are in control!


All participants will leave the room with a clear idea on how they can position themselves better as a professional in the field of technical communications and with the building blocks to kickstart their Personal Branding journey.

Prior knowledge

Some experience working in the technical communication profession


 Kees van Mansom

Kees van Mansom

  • Accenture

As the European lead for Technical Publication Services at Accenture, I help my clients in transforming their technical authoring processes. Next to that, I am a facilitator of Leadership trainings for Accenture employees.