tekom - conferences

Psychological Analysis of the Video Manual

  • Presentation
  • Visual Communication
  • 05. November
  • 14:00 - 14:45 PM (CET)
  • C7.2
  •  Masayasu Watai

    Masayasu Watai

    • Japan Technical Communicators Association


In recent years, video manuals have become common in technical communication. Technical communicators need to be fully aware of the differences in characteristics (advantages, limitations, etc.) between video manuals and document manuals from the perspective of users' understanding of the content. This presentation will explain the following four topics regarding video manuals from the psychological perspective: 1) actual usage of video manuals in Japan, 2) findings from psychological research showing the superiority of video manuals over document manuals, 3) findings from psychological research showing the effectiveness of video manuals in building mental models, 4) points to note when creating video manuals. At the end of this presentation, suggestions for video manuals from a psychological perspective will be proposed.


This presentation will make participants aware that video manuals are not a panacea, and will enable them to consider specifically and in detail whether to use video manuals or document manuals.

Prior knowledge

Not particularly


 Masayasu Watai

Masayasu Watai

  • Japan Technical Communicators Association

Professor and vice-president of JUMONJI UNIVERSITY in Japan.

President of Japan Technical Communicators Association (JTCA).