tekom - conferences

Status of the new EU legislation: What information is relevant for technical writers?

  • Presentation
  • Legal Requirements and Standards
  • 06. November
  • 14:00 - 14:45 PM (CET)
  • Plenum 2
  •  Susanna Akdut

    Susanna Akdut


EU legislation is in development. Technical writers are facing a number of challenges.
Which technical information must be supplied to whom? What needs to be on paper? What about the digitalization of instructions, safety information and other data? How do you keep the information up to date?


Participants will receive an overview of the current status of EU legislation. In particular, information of interest to technical writers will be analysed. Do instructions, safety information and technical data have to be supplied in paper form? What is the status of digitalisation and the updating of information and data?


 Susanna Akdut

Susanna Akdut


Susanna Akdut, technische Redakteurin und Zertifizierungsexpertin bei Roxell BV, ist zuständig für technische Kommunikation und Zertifizierungsverfahren, Gastdozentin an der KU Leuven, IC-Mitglied von tekom Belgium, Mitglied der tekom AG TTK, Delegierte in internationalen Normungsgremien.