tekom - conferences

Terms used in EU legislation: How to translate them correctly?

  • Workshop
  • Legal Requirements and Standards
  • 07. November
  • 09:00 - 10:45 AM (CET)
  • C9.2
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Susanna Akdut

    Susanna Akdut


Maximum participants: 30

The sites of the EU legislation seem to be a jungle. Why is it important to find the correct term in the EU product legislation? What is a regulation, directive or act? What is a harmonized standard? How to find the correct translations of terms in a European legal act? What are the specifications of the definition source in laws and standards? In a practical way, you will learn how to find the relevant legal acts, their validity, notations and structure, the difference between “comes into force” and “will apply” and, last but not least, the correct translations of terms in the EU legal acts.


You will make an interactive journey through the EU sites of the product legislation with focus on legal terms. Target is to find the correct translations of the terms in the official EU languages in a practical way.

Prior knowledge

Technical Writers, Technical Translators, Information Developers


 Susanna Akdut

Susanna Akdut


Susanna Akdut, technische Redakteurin und Zertifizierungsexpertin bei Roxell BV, ist zuständig für technische Kommunikation und Zertifizierungsverfahren, Gastdozentin an der KU Leuven, IC-Mitglied von tekom Belgium, Mitglied der tekom AG TTK, Delegierte in internationalen Normungsgremien.