tekom - conferences

Customizing and optimizing DITA DocOps for corporate teams

  • Presentation
  • Management & Leadership
  • 07. November
  • 14:00 - 14:45 PM (CET)
  • C7.2
  •  Dia Daur

    Dia Daur

    • A-Jour-Net Inc.


Customized DocOps can improve a corporate technical writing team’s experience with standardized tools and processes, especially when migrating from one documentation base to another. I will share how a DocOps specialist can optimize DITA-based content creation and delivery processes, create tailored tools and streamline chores, leaving authors enough time to do what they enjoy – writing the docs.


How to improve a technical writing team’s experience with company-enforced standards and tools via customized and optimized DITA DocOps.

Prior knowledge

Some experience with DITA is nice but not necessary. I think this presentation is for team leaders and managers.


 Dia Daur

Dia Daur

  • A-Jour-Net Inc.

Dia Daur is a technical support specialist, a docs automation developer, and a business engagement liaison. She currently works for A-Jour-Net, a company supporting large organizations' DITA content architectures.