tekom - conferences

Fix the World: iFixit’s Approach to Technical Writing for Repair Information

  • Presentation
  • Content Creation
  • 05. November
  • 11:30 - 12:15 AM (CET)
  • C5.2
  •  Manuel Häußermann

    Manuel Häußermann

    • iFixit
  •  Sandra Hiller

    Sandra Hiller

    • iFixit


This presentation will introduce iFixit, the biggest online repair community, and its efforts in refining technical writing for repair guides that serve both beginners and professionals. We will discuss our guiding principles to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of repair documentation. The session will cover the development of our guide platform and its evolution into Dozuki, a versatile software application for creating detailed, user-friendly guides and documentation. We'll also explore the iFixit Technical Writing Project, where we partner with universities to advance technical writing skills, and the iFixit Translation Project. Additionally, we will illustrate how these initiatives align with iFixit’s broader mission to help everyone fix everything.


  • Explore iFixit's repair guides and our platform (Dozuki).
  • See how we approach technical writing for repair.
  • Discover our global partnerships with manufacturers & universities.
  • Learn about our mission making repair accessible.


 Manuel Häußermann

Manuel Häußermann

  • iFixit

Manuel Häußermann has been a Content Creator at iFixit since 2022, bridging tech writing and marketing. He focuses on writing blog posts and repair guides for various electronics like smartphones and smartwatches.

 Sandra Hiller

Sandra Hiller

  • iFixit

Sandra Hiller leads iFixit's translation and foreign language community management and has been with iFixit since 2016. Her work makes iFixit's repair guides globally accessible, ensuring content transcends language barriers.