tekom - conferences

How culturally competent are you? Exploring technical communicators' cultural competence

  • Presentation
  • Management & Leadership
  • 07. November
  • 15:00 - 15:45 PM (CET)
  • C5.1
  • Instructional designer, PhD Wenbin Liu

    • Concordia University
  • Dr Saul Carliner

    Dr Saul Carliner

    • Concordia University


Yes—you recognize that your content must be prepared for translation and localization. But believe it or not, those are just two aspects of culture that affect the work of professional and technical communicators. This session walks you through an interactive self-assessment of your cultural competence in all areas required on the job—when interacting with colleagues within your workplace, when creating content for users, when interacting with peers outside of your workplace, and when interacting with customers and clients. For example, how strong is your ability to assess organizational culture? To respond to pressures of occupational culture? To address colleagues of diverse national backgrounds in your workplace? Personal backgrounds? Based on an extensive review of the research on culture in professional and technical communication, this session provides specific insights into these and other aspects of cultural competence and, at the end of this session, you will have a general assessment of the areas in which you have strong cultural competence and those requiring further development.


  • Identify those cultural competencies you have mastered and which ones might benefit from further development.
  • Describe each of the key types of cultural competence needed in the work of professional and technical communicators.

Prior knowledge

Basic knowledge of technical communication and cultures.


Instructional designer, PhD Wenbin Liu

  • Concordia University

Wenbin Liu is a specialist and researcher in technical communication, cross-cultural studies, and instructional design. His expertise lies in teaching, as well as designing and developing technical documents, teaching materials, and e-learning courses.

Dr Saul Carliner

Dr Saul Carliner

  • Concordia University

Saul Carlineris a generalist in learning and communication, with substantial tenures in bothacademia and industry in both fields. His teaching and research focus on thedesign of instructional and informational materials (especially in emerginggenres and media), the management of groups that produce these materials, andrelated issues of policy and professionalism.