tekom - conferences

Modernizing your content management system: The challenges of replatforming

  • Presentation
  • Content Strategy & Information Architecture
  • 05. November
  • 11:30 - 12:15 AM (CET)
  • C6.2
  •  Bill Swallow

    Bill Swallow

    • Scriptorium


Many technical communication organizations have established processes inside a content management system (CMS) and a single source of truth for their content. But over time, business needs change, and the CMS chosen a decade ago may no longer be a good fit for the organization. At some point, it becomes necessary to change systems and replatform the content onto a new CMS. 

Changing systems is a costly proposition, and one that needs to be assessed well. The more customization work that was done to meet your original requirements and the more content you have in the current system, the more complicated and expensive a replatforming transition will be.

In this session, you’ll learn about the business justification, the risks, and the benefits of a replatforming project.


Attendees will learn about the benefits and challenges of replatforming, and will be equipped to assess their own approach if and when they are ready to make that change.

Prior knowledge

Audience should have an understanding of their systems architecture for content production and understanding of business drivers for making architectural changes.


 Bill Swallow

Bill Swallow

  • Scriptorium

Bill partners with content owners to design and build content systems that solve complex information management, publishing, and localization problems.