tekom - conferences

XML Based Docs As Code – Combining DITA XML With GitHub and Continous Delivery

  • Tutorial
  • Technical Authoring
  • 05. November
  • 15:30 - 16:30 PM (CET)
  • Channel D
  • finished
  • Presentation Slides
  •  Radu Coravu

    Radu Coravu

    • Oxygen XML Editor (Syncro Soft)


We'll look into building a functional technical documentation project using DITA XML as content, GitHub for storage and collaboration and Netlify for continuous delivery.

As an overview we'll learn how to use GitHub to collaborate on an XML based technical documentation project and how to use continuous delivery to automate publishing to various output formats like HTML, PDF or EPUB.


You will learn how to use GItHub to set up and start working on a technical documentation project. We'll discuss the structure of a DITA XML based technical documentation solution and we will use continuous delivery to publish the content.

Prior knowledge

Interest in technical documentation, knowledge of English.


 Radu Coravu

Radu Coravu

  • Oxygen XML Editor (Syncro Soft)
  • Show profile

Radu Coravu is an XML expert working on oXygen XML Editor. During the last years, his main focus has been in the development of the visual XML Author editing environment and the specific-DITA support provided by oXygen. He provides support for complex integrations and helps steer the product in the right direction, all this with some development on the side.